“Digging in soil can actually act as an antidepressant, as a strain of bacterium in soil, Mycobacterium vaccae, triggers the release of seratonin, which in turn elevates mood and decreases anxiety.” I have always believed that getting my hands in the earth was good for my soul, so reading the above quote intrigued me. It is from 10 Ways to Show Love to Someone with Depression from Health Counselling Services of Simon Fraser University. Spending much of my March “farm time” in the greenhouse with the extra light, green plants sprouting and hands in the soil has been good. With this warm weather we will soon be able to get the early hoop houses planted and perhaps some outdoor seeding, that we tuck in with row cover.
We are very happy that our intern/apprentices from the U.S. arrived a week ago. We are enjoying their beautiful smiles, positive energy and enthusiasm for farming with draft horses. After a week of introductions to various aspects of the farm and lots of firewood cutting and splitting they are now taking a Draft Horse Workshop. Our Suffolk Punch horses are patient teachers along with Ken and Grayden. The field work portion of the workshop will have to wait until the ground thaws out! We have a workshop scheduled for April 24-26 where outside participants will come to the farm for a three day Draft Horse Workshop. This is a good trial run for Ken and Grayden.
CSA memberships are rolling in each day and the CSA is gradually filling up. There are still shares available for the 2014 Main Season CSA. It is a special experience to be able to share our farm with so many families and individuals through the CSA model. It really does work to form a connection to the land, where their food comes from. Our working share option allows for CSA members to get their hands in the dirt too! It is always affirming when members come to help and are surprised to find out how much fun it is. Maybe it is connected to the release of seratonin from the dirt…