November has been a busy month. Ken and Bill finished the fall ploughing with our Suffolk Punch horses and we have of course been focused on the Fall CSA. It takes the three of us a good three days prior to the pick-up day to harvest. That pretty well eats up a week. Today Ken is finally getting back to sawing logs. It is a job that he was hoping to have done last spring, but the early spring jump started our farm work and put a stop to that idea. The one window of opportunity to saw during the growing season was kiboshed when the saw engine broke. It took a while to get that repaired because the small engine repairmen in our area were all focused on irrigation engines during our dry summer. When Ken got ready to start today he found that the mice had chewed a hole in the air filter…after a trip to town he is now starting to saw and I am crossing my fingers that all goes well.