We are happy to finally have some warm weather! The rhubarb is poking up and the spinach in Hoop House “A” has germinated under the row cover. The head lettuce and pac choi that were planted in Hoop House “B” are also growing nicely under row cover. We have moved three of the hoop houses and have only the tomato hoop house to move. The brassicas: broccoli; cabbage; cauliflower and kohlrabi that we started in the greenhouse have grown well. We are hoping to have sturdy transplants the beginning of May, when we will use our transplanter for the first time pulled with our Suffolk Punch horses. Although the spring seems to be getting off to a slow start I am encouraged that the seedlings are growing and look healthy. The CSA will start as soon as everything has grown enough.
Everyone here has been working hard with many different jobs. Around the edges of farm work all of our firewood for next winter has been cut and split! It makes quite a mountain of firewood. When we have a cold spring we use a lot of wood between our house, the greenhouse and the bunkhouse. Tonight is the first night that I haven’t started a fire in the greenhouse since the beginning of March, when we started the first transplants.
The ground for the main garden has mostly been ploughed and we are working on preparing the fields for spring grain. There is always more to do in a day than we can do, especially when the land dries out, but we keep plugging along and we get there eventually.