So here are some pictures and results from the Living Labs/EFAO’s 2023 trials with no-till organic potatoes. The side-by-side trial was done with 3 different varieties, Norland, SP327 and Gemstar Russet. There were 2 rows of each variety in a 60″ wide bed. The seed was planted 12″apart in the row. The 2 rows were 26″ apart in the bed. Not a problem in the no-till beds but a bit of a challenge to cultivate with a tractor in the tilled beds. So there were 6 rows in a tilled area next to 6 rows in a no-till section all replicated 4 times down the field. The 2 treatments were planted the same day. The no-till plots were planted into standing rye with a RJ Equipment transplanter into the standing rye which had been planted the fall before. The no-till plots were flail mowed when the first potatoes started to emerge. This provided enough residue to control weeds the whole season and protect the tubers near the surface from greening.The no-till plots were slow to emerge and were about 3 weeks behind the tilled plots. All plots were then dug with a 2 row 60″ wide. Willsie potato digger with optional carrot blades and side coulters. The results presented in the bar graph indicate that Norland had a statistically lower yield with no-till and may not be adapted to this production method. The other 2 varieties yielded just as well under no-till as tilled. The other trial involved testing a deeper planting depth to avoid greenig but it showed no significant difference in yield or greening with a planting depth of 5″ vs. 3″